🚀 See what Musk did in 19 days and would take others 4 years says Nvidia CEO (not about SpaceX) & much more !
Revenge of the Parrots & more
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Je m'appelle Thomas, co-fondateur de YeldaAI, qui développe des IA pour répondre au téléphone en langage humain pour les administrations et les entreprises. Plus d'infos sur moi en cliquant ici.
Et voici donc ma toute dernière sélection !
Les derniers épisodes du podcast Parlons Futur :
Pourquoi OpenAI bloque-t-il le Voice Mode de ChatGPT en Europe ?
La superintelligence dans quelques milliers de jours dixit "Sam Altman" ? Est-ce-possible ?
GPT-4o ; la fin des devoirs ? ; confier son Tinder à l'IA ?
A graphic novel made (almost) entirely in Stable Diffusion. (source)
Lol: Starlink’s terms of service assert that Mars is “a free planet” over which no earthly government has “authority or sovereignty”, and that any disputes over Starlink services provided on Mars will be settled through principles “established in good faith at the time of Martian settlement”. Those who dismiss this as nerdy bravura should contemplate the sky above their heads. (The Economist)
Over the past three decades America has left the rest of the rich world in the dust (The Economist)
In 1990 it accounted for about 40% of the GDP of the G7. Today it makes up 50%.
Output per person is now about 30% higher than in western Europe and Canada, and 60% higher than in Japan—gaps that have roughly doubled since 1990.
Mississippi may be America’s poorest state, but its hard-working residents earn, on average, more than Brits, Canadians or Germans.
Lately, China too has gone backwards. Having closed in rapidly on America in the years before the pandemic, its nominal gdp has slipped from about 75% of America’s in 2021 to 66% today.
Its 7 big tech firms are together worth more than the stockmarkets of Britain, Canada, Germany and Japan combined
New study suggests that after decades of life expectancy marching upward thanks to medical and technological advancements, humans could be closing in on the limits of what’s possible for average life span. (NYT)
“We’re basically suggesting that as long as we live now is about as long as we’re going to live,” said S. Jay Olshansky, a professor of epidemiology and biostatistics at the University of Illinois Chicago, who led the study.
He predicted maximum life expectancy will end up around 87 years — approximately 84 for men, and 90 for women — an average age that several countries are already close to achieving.
Yann LeCun sur les robots Optimus de Tesla (X) :
"Poudre aux yeux ! Ils sont bons au niveau électromécanique. Mais ils n'ont pas l'IA nécessaire à l'autonomie. Ce sont, pour l'instant, des marionnettes télécommandées par des opérateurs humains."
En seulement 19 jours, Elon Musk et son entreprise d’Intelligence artificielle xAI ont réussi à mettre en place un supercluster composé de 100 000 GPU Nvidia H200 (source)
the world’s largest Nvidia GPU supercomputer
Pour contexte, nul autre que Jensen Huang, PDG de Nvidia, affirme qu'il faut normalement 4 ans pour le faire.
"That is superhuman", "Never seen before. The would normally take 3 years to plan and 1 year to get it all working"
« À ma connaissance, il n’y a qu’une seule personne au monde capable de faire cela. Elon est singulier dans sa compréhension de l’ingénierie, de la construction et des grands systèmes, ainsi que dans sa capacité à mobiliser des ressources. C’est tout simplement incroyable ».
All you need to know on SpaceX's huge achievement:
Comme dit Thomas Pesquet : la tour de 145 m de haut qui attrape en plein vol le booster, des dimensions d’un Boeing 747 sans les ailes
Les vidéos à voir absolument :
le décollage filmé depuis la tour, absolument incroyable (16 sec)
l'arrivée filmée depuis la tour (35 sec)
l'arrivée filmée d'encore plus près depuis la tour, avec les pinces enserrant le booster, wow (22 sec)
l'arrivée filmée de loin, depuis un angle inédit (26 sec)
vidéo de l'attrapage (50 sec)
la vue de l'attrapage par la tour filmée depuis le Starship (30sec)
la descente et l'atterrissage, filmés de loin par un des amis de Musk à ses côtés, avec leurs commentaires médusés, assez dingue (47 sec)
Le chemin parcouru !
"an achievement which actually deserves trumpeting on X"
"the cost per tonne of putting that stuff up there should be reduced dramatically. According to an estimate by Citigroup, a bank, SpaceX’s semi-reusable and frequently flown Falcon 9s have already brought down the price of launch by a factor of ten. A much bigger and fully reusable Starship should do at least as much again and possibly much more. It is potentially the biggest leap forward in spaceflight seen since the 1960s."
SpaceX has been landing those first stages—which have their own landing legs and thus do not need catching in mid air—since the end of 2015, and has now done so over 300 times. No other rocket company currently has a reusable first stage at all.
Elon Musk said "“Even rockets need hugs.” sharing this pic:
amazing 2-min video done by a fan which combines old footage of Musk showing the huge tower and explaining how he intends to have huge arms catch the descending rocket in the air, saying "this is the theory anyway", along with the latest images of the actual feat, they did it, very moving!
What's next:
Sometime next year, SpaceX plans to launch a pair of Starships into orbit using its two side-by-side launch pads in Texas. The ships will dock together in orbit and test technologies to transfer cryogenic propellants, which has never been done in space at this scale. This demonstration is a precursor to future Artemis mission campaigns, when Starships must launch in rapid succession from multiple pads. (Ars Technica)
The company’s own plans to increase both the number and size of the satellites in its Starlink communications system—a number which already sits at over 6,000—also depend on Starship. And then there is Mr Musk’s dream of settling Mars. He is talking of sending five uncrewed Starships there in 2026, and crewed ones fairly soon thereafter." (The Economist)
Airbus Defence & Space a annoncé 2500 licenciements, pour commencer, en avançant comme raison entre autres la concurrence de Space X (source).
About Space'X Starlink
Last week, Air France was the latest major airline to announce it will be moving its in-flight Wi-Fi to the Starlink network, offering it for free to members of its frequent flier program.
With a robust network of 6,000+ Starlink laser-linked satellites beaming down 200-350 Mbps connectivity to airplanes—compared to ~20 Mbps from other current providers—Starlink has begun gobbling up major airline contracts, hungry hungry hippos style.
And a plus for consumers everywhere: airlines are moving en masse to offer their Wi-Fi for free.
Starlink grows and grows: SpaceX announced last week that its Starlink user base has grown to 4M customers, adding a staggering 1M users in just the past four months
intersting stat : Airlines average just 2.6% net profit or $5.44 per passenger per trip. (source)
Pierre Bellanger, fondateur et CEO du groupe Skyrock vient de publier un nouvel essai « La Granularité »
Il a développé ce concept lors d’une conférence intitulée Un futur singulier au ministère des Armées en 2021.
"Aujourd’hui, la société est gouvernée par la statistique, mais demain, elle sera régie par les données."
"Lorsqu’on dispose de peu d’informations sur chaque individu, on administre par catégories. En revanche, lorsqu’on possède une grande quantité d’informations sur chacun, on gère individu par individu : c’est cela, la granularité."
En voici un résumé de 12 min au format conversation podcast généré via l'IA avec l'outil de Google NotebookLM, bluffant !
Et sinon, la conversation exclusive entre vrais humains, lui et moi, à retrouver sur mon podcast Parlons Futur sur Apple Podcast et Spotify)
On n'arrête pas le progrès: This Talking Pet Collar Is Like a Chatbot for Your Dog (Wired)
Scary: Robot Vacuum Starts Insulting Its Owner After Being Hacked (source)
May also have taken pictures of them
avec l'essor des objets connectés (internet of things), ce n'est que le début...
Plus sérieusement : cette startup a conçu des plaques de cuisson révolutionnaires, permettant entre autres de chauffer une casserole d'eau en 40 secondes, avec batteries intégrées (la vidéo de 45 sec)
Le titre du jour dans les Échos : "En Allemagne, un robot à trois bras a remplacé un chef d'orchestre", trois bras pour trois sections d'instruments pour rythmes différents, on est foutu (newsletter de Marc Fiorentino)
Insolite : mais comment les poissons ont-ils pu coloniser des lacs reculés ? les oiseaux ont très certainement transporté leurs oeufs collés à des résidus végétaux accrochés aux pattes... (The Economist)
Encore plus dingue, mais comment les singes ont-ils traversé l'Atlantique pour coloniser l'Amérique ?? à dos d'îles flottantes arrachées à l'Afrique !! (BBC)
"it's since emerged that rafts of vegetation or floating islands – stands of trees swept out to sea – may actually explain many animal distributions across the world."
An adult fruit fly brain has been mapped—human brains could follow (The Economist)
A complete mouse connectome (map of all neuronal connections in one's brain) could be created in a decade if someone were willing to stump up $1bn to pay for it.
Wow : scientists discovered living microbes sealed inside a 2-billion-year-old stone. (source)
the microbes, which were confirmed to be indigenous to the stone, appear to have evolved incredibly slowly over time.
"Until now, the oldest geological layer in which living microorganisms had been found was a 100-million-year-old deposit beneath the ocean floor, so this is a very exciting discovery."
300 géoglyphes de Nazca (au sud du Pérou) découverts à l’aide de l’intelligence artificielle et d'images prises du ciel (Figaro)
Un géoglyphe est un grand dessin, un grand motif à même le sol.
Crazy 1-min video of how the Chinese port in Guangzhou is operated
People unload ships remotely with 5G, AND THEN, AI vehicles automatically drive the containers to trucks and load them, without human assistance.
The NY Times has OpenAI financials, prepared as part of its current fund-raising. $300m monthly revenue in August and on track for $3.7bn in 2024, but $5bn of losses. It has 350m monthly active users (up from 100m in March) and 10m paying users (NYT)
L'IA aurait la capacité de générer de faux souvenirs selon une étude (l'ADN)
"Constat : les échanges avec le chatbot génératif « ont induit près de 3 fois plus de faux souvenirs immédiats que la méthode témoin"
Huawei’s triple-fold phone, priced$3000 (the 1-min video, more pictures)
The US Army Is Testing Robot Dogs With AI-Powered Rifles in Saudi Arabia (source)
deployed at least one new "Lone Wolf" robot-dog to test out its anti-drone capabilities
Well... new report says that engineers who use GitHub's popular AI programming assistant Copilot don't experience any significant gains in efficiency. (source)
More cool examples of what Meta Movie Gen can do across video generation, precise video editing, personalized video generation and audio generation.
Hilarious: Parrots Orchestrate Brutal Revenge on Small Town After Deforestation Drove Them Out of Their Homes (Reuters)
The birds have descended on the town in the tens of thousands, terrorizing residents and disrupting local life
"The hillsides are disappearing, and this is causing them to come closer to the cities to find food, shelter and water," biologist Daiana Lera told Reuters.
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