Un aigle fait du hors forfait, brosse à dent dopée à l'IA & 16 autres news plus sérieuses du futur résumées pour vous !
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Drôle : cet aigle muni d'un capteur connecté s'enfuit à l'étranger et couvre les scientifiques de charges hors forfait !
Sérieusement!!!?? : la brosse à dent électrique qui utilise l'IA
Oral-B’s says its new $220 electric toothbrush, called “Oral-B GENIUS X with Artificial Intelligence,” will leverage data from sensors inside the brush head and Bluetooth to deliver AI-derived brushing tips through an app.
“Oral-B has created an algorithm from more than 2,000 brushing sessions to gain exclusive insights into brushing behaviors from around the world,”
Twitter interdit les publicités à caractère politique dans le monde entier, mettant la pression sur Facebook
Les vaches qui mangent cette algue rejettent 3 fois moins de méthane (et grandissent plus vite) !
dairy cows (vaches à lait) eating a diet containing 1% Asparagopsis produce only a third of the methane belched by cows on seaweedless diets.
a cow has about the same greenhouse effect as a car, cutting the emissions of even a portion of the world’s 1.5bn cattle would bring great benefit.
seaweed-fed beef cattle grew, as predicted, faster than their seaweedless confrères. (car par défaut le méthane est produit par des bactéries méthanogènes dans les estomacs de la vache qui utilisent pour cela de l'énergie, qui sinon, donc, aurait pu servir à la croissance de la vache)
L'Australie envisage d'utiliser la reconnaissance faciale pour vérifier l'âge des internautes se connectant aux sites pornos
The Australian solution : start scanning porn viewers’ faces, and matching them up with government photos, to verify their ages
Pour info :The United Kingdom also planned to force pornographic websites to include age checks, either through face scans or some other verification system — but after multiple implementation delays, it finally dropped the plan completely earlier this month amid concerns about both workability and privacy.
On peut rappeler ici que la Chine a imposé un procédé similaire à Tencent pour vérifier l'âge de certains joueurs en ligne et leur limiter le temps passé sur ses jeux
Record : une personne paralysée parvient à écrire l'alphabet par la pensée à 55% de la vitesse à laquelle un humain écrit
The computer could read out the volunteer’s imagined sentences with roughly 95% accuracy at a speed of about 66 characters per minute
In healthy adults, the average handwriting speed is 120 characters per minute
Jusque- là le record était de 39 caractères/min = 32% de la vitesse à laquelle on écrit en moyenne
Parlons Futur, c'est aussi un podcast, voyez les deux derniers épisodes ajoutés
Exemple concret de comment l’IA ne signifie pas forcément la fin du libre-arbitre (8min)
OpenAI et la main robot qui résout le Rubik’s cube : décryptage derrière la hype (7 min)
Podcasts à retrouver sur n'importe quelle appli de pocdast en tapant "Parlons Futur"
(vous trouverez notamment aussi une conversation sur l'intelligence artificielle avec Jacques Attali)
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Résumées plus bas à même cet email, les 9 news suivantes :
Le nouveau toit de Tesla en ardoise-panneau solaire est enfin prêt à la vente, voici ses atouts
Bref descriptif de la nouvelle technique révolutionnaire utilisant CRISPR qui pourrait soigner toutes les maladies génétiques
Regardez ces graphiques contre-intuitifs: depuis 1980 aux USA, le PIB a fait +175%, la population +44%...et la consommation d'énergie seulement +29%
Comment pour la première fois on a réussi à faire communiquer directement entre eux des cerveaux humains de façon non invasive
Nouveau cap franchi par l'IA : comment l'algo AlphaStar de DeepMind s'est hissé parmi les 0,2% meilleurs joueurs du jeu de stratégie en temps réel StarCraft
Comment la Révolution Industrielle a permis à la population humaine d'exploser (indice : non pas en mécanisant l'agriculture)
Neanderthal savait en fait probablement faire du feu, et autres faits inattendus sur nos cousins disparus
Résumé des 3 grands problèmes de l'Inde, bientôt le pays le plus peuplé au monde
Résumé des plans de Uber pour conquérir le ciel avec des taxis volants autonomes électriques
Pour les 3 news suivantes, retrouvez les résumés sur ParlonsFutur.com en cliquant ici
Voyez en quoi la Chine va bien plus mal que ce quon pense
Résumé du programme éco d'Elizabeth Warren : celle que les sondages disent gagnante aux primaires démocrates puis face à Trump (The Economist)
Une expérience inédite en neuroscience mobilisant 6 labos et 500 patients pour détecter l'endroit du cerveau où naît la conscience : résumé des 2 grandes théories en lice (dont une défendue par le Français Stanislas Dehaene)
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Le nouveau toit de Tesla en ardoise-panneau solaire est enfin prêt à la vente (Wired)

Rather than installing solar panels on an existing roof (a service Tesla also offers), this product is the roof.
It’s made of glass tiles (tuiles) that can turn photons into electricity.
The latest version comes with a 25-year warranty and a promise that the glass can withstand 175km/h winds and chunks of hail (grêle) nearly 5cm in diameter.
Musk has said that the solar roof and Powerwall (basically a big battery that allows owners to store energy produced by solar power, instead of sending it to the grid) are important to the company’s quest to accelerate the adoption of clean energy
Une nouvelle technique utilisant CRISPR pourrait soigner toutes les maladies génétiques (Wired)
The system is called “prime editing,” can for the first time make virtually any alteration—additions, deletions, swapping any single letter for any other—without damaging the DNA double helix
“If Crispr-Cas9 (l'invention initiale) is like scissors, then you can think of prime editors to be like word processors,”
Why is that a big deal? Because with such fine-tuned command of the genetic code, prime editing could, according to Liu’s calculations, correct around 89% of the mutations that cause heritable human diseases. Working in human cell cultures, his lab has already used prime editors to fix the genetic glitches that cause sickle cell anemia, cystic fibrosis, and Tay-Sachs disease. Those are just three of more than 175 edits the group unveiled today in a scientific article published in the journal Nature.
The work “has a strong potential to change the way we edit cells and be transformative,” says Gaétan Burgio, a geneticist at the Australian National University who was not involved in the work, in an email. He was especially impressed at the range of changes prime editing makes possible, including adding up to 44 DNA letters and deleting up to 80. “Overall, the editing efficiency and the versatility shown in this paper are remarkable.”
This technique allows for far more flexibility when editing DNA. Whereas "base editors" could only make four types of genetic “bit” flips—changing one G-C base pair to an A-T, for example—prime editing can change any letter to any other. Prime editors also appear to make fewer mistakes
Depuis 1980 aux USA, le PIB a fait +175%, la consommation d'énergie +29% et la population +44% (Bloomberg)
la consommation d'énergie par habitant entre 1980 et 2018 a baissé de 11%
la preuve que croissance ne rime pas nécessairement avec hausse de la consommation d'énergie par habitant : on produit plus de richesses, avec moins d'énergie
“CO2 Emissions” on this graph are those calculated by the Global Carbon Project. They take into account the carbon from products that are produced outside the United States (in China and other countries), but consumed by Americans.
Ci-dessous, évolution de la production agricole (son poids: crop tonnage) vis-à-vis de la consommation d'engrais, d'eau, et de surfaces cultivées (crop acreage) de 1955 à 2015. Comme on peut le voir, on produit toujours plus, avec moins d'eau, moins d'engrais, et moins de surface!!
These and other examples of resource-growth decoupling can be found in technologist and writer Andrew McAfee’s new book, “More from Less: The Surprising Story of How We Learned to Prosper Using Fewer Resources -- and What Happens Next.”
McAfee documents how until about 1970, growth and resource use really were inseparable, as humanity spread out across the land and bent the natural world to its will. But in the past half-century, technological progress and the rise of the environmental movement have combined to change the nature of growth, so that developed countries keep getting richer while inflicting less and less harm on the planet. People who take the long view, looking mainly at data from the 19th and early 20th centuries, tend to miss this shift.
D'autres exemples à retrouver dans le premier résumé de cette précédente newsletter
Des scientifiques parviennent pour la première fois à faire communiquer directement entre eux des cerveaux humains de façon non invasive (Scientific American)
For the first time, humans have achieved direct brain-to-brain communication through non-invasive electroencephalographs (EEGs).
In a newly published study, 3 subjects were tasked with orienting a block correctly in a video game. 2 subjects in separate rooms were designated as “senders” and could see the block, while the third “receiver” relied solely on sender signals to correctly position the block.
EEG signals from the sender brains were converted into magnetic pulses delivered to the receiver via a transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) device.
the leaders of the “BrainNet” human study claim that their non-invasive device could connect a limitless number of individuals.
Rather than building “neural networks” in software, operations like BrainNet are truly linking networks of neurons, creating massive amounts of biological processing power.
Related : Miguel Nicolelis, a leader in the brain-to-brain communication field (not involved in that experiment), has previously conducted studies that linked rat brains through implanted electrodes, effectively creating an “organic computer.” The rat brains synchronized electrical activity to the same extent of a single brain, and the super-brain routinely outperformed individual rats in distinguishing two electrical patterns.
Brain-to-brain interfaces also span across species. In one report, a human using a noninvasive brain interface linked, via computer, to the brain computer interface of an anesthetized rat was able to move the animal’s tail.
Nouveau cap franchi par l'IA : l'algo AlphaStar de DeepMind se hisse parmi les 0,2% meilleurs joueurs du jeu de stratégie en temps réel StarCraft (Le Monde)
AlphaStar a réussi à s’y hisser, se plaçant ainsi « au-dessus des 99,8 % de joueurs humains suffisamment actifs ces derniers mois pour intégrer une ligue de la région Europe (soit environ 90 000 joueurs) »,
Si Starcraft II, l’un des titres les plus joués en compétition de jeux vidéo, intéresse les chercheurs en IA, c’est qu’il s’agit d’un jeu complexe, très différent d’un jeu de plateau comme les échecs ou le go.
Ce jeu de stratégie oppose des armées de 3 différentes "races" (terrienne, extraterrestre, hybride) qui doivent extraire des ressources, comme du minerai ou du gaz, afin de bâtir des édifices militaires et attaquer leurs ennemis. Il impose aux joueurs de diriger des dizaines, voire des centaines d’unités simultanément, le tout en temps réel.
"StarCraft has always been seen as a big test for machine learning, simply because it’s one of the most complex real-time strategy games in existence. There’s no one best strategy and it requires players to plan their moves well in advance, with many actions near the start of the game not paying off until later." (Wired)
Qui plus est, contrairement aux échecs ou au jeu de go, le joueur ne voit pas toute la zone de jeu, l’écran n’affichant qu’une partie de la carte, et un brouillard couvrant en partie les parties inexplorées. Il ne connaît donc pas, par exemple, toutes les positions de ses ennemis, et doit envoyer des unités pour la découvrir. Une difficulté supplémentaire pour l’IA.
Basé sur un réseau de neurones artificiels, AlphaStar s’est « entraîné » en observant des parties jouées par des humains, et en jouant contre différentes versions de lui-même, afin de s’améliorer continuellement.
C’est « le premier agent d’intelligence artificielle à atteindre le meilleur niveau de performance humain, dans un jeu joué par des professionnels, sans simplifier le jeu »
AlphaStar a les mêmes contraintes que celles des joueurs humains », insiste DeepMind sur son blog. Le logiciel doit notamment lui aussi déplacer sa « caméra », et a vu la fréquence de ses actions limitée dans sa programmation : il n’a pas le droit à plus de 22 actions toutes les 5 secondes. Des contraintes « approuvées par un joueur professionnel »
Les technologies conçues par DeepMind pour faire fonctionner AlphaStar dépassent l’usage du jeu vidéo. « Comme pour Starcraft, des domaines du monde réel, à l’instar des assistants personnels, des voitures autonomes ou de la robotique, doivent pouvoir prendre des décisions en temps réel », dans des environnements complexes, notamment en se basant « sur des informations imparfaites qu’ils observent », expliquent les chercheurs dans Nature. Ces technologies, disent-ils, « permettront de concevoir des systèmes d’IA plus efficaces et sûrs
"Initially, the company found that AlphaStar was prone to forgetting any strategies it had learned in the past in favour of ones that it had learned more recently. As an agent slowly learned to defeat another agent at StarCraft using a specific strategy, it would often forget how to win against a different version of itself.
In order to combat this, DeepMind used its AlphaStar League, an automated self-running simulation in which AlphaStar agents compete against each other, to train its agents. This time round, DeepMind used the AlphaStar League to simulate the very human process seen amongst humans, where friends play together to help find flaws in each other’s’ strategies, in effect solving the problem of forgetting.
Instead of each agent trying to maximise its chances of winning, the AlphaStar agents would try and expose flaws in their strategy, something that the main agent would eventually begin to learn to solve."
Il faut aussi noter que l'armée se dit impressionnée par les prouesses de DeepMind à Starcraft et OpenAI à l’autre jeu Dota 2 : an Air Force intelligence officer, one of the people tasked with using artificial intelligence to modernize the US military, said he was impressed, "one of the most impressive demonstrations of AI strategy he’d ever seen, an unexpected development akin to AI advances in chess, Atari, and other games"
Comment la Révolution Industrielle a permis à la population humaine d'exploser (indice : non pas en mécanisant l'agriculture)
jusqu'à la Révolution Industrielle, l'humanité était enfermée dans un piège malthusien : chaque augmentation incrémentale de la production agricole était compensée immédiatement par une hausse de la natalité, l'essentiel de l'humanité était dans la subsistence, et souvent la population chutait du fait des guerres, famines et épidémies
puis, tout a changé, la production agricole s'est mise à progresser de façon exponentielle, et cela n'est pas du tout dû au départ à des engins à vapeur labourant ou moissonnant les sols
la solution : les engins à vapeur ont permis de transporter et fabriquer de l'engrais en quantité industrielle
Steam changed the course of humanity not by helping to plow farms, but instead by helping to fertilize them.
Farmers have known for millennia that many minerals are effective fertilizers. The discovery early in the nineteenth century of huge deposits of sodium nitrate in Chile’s Atacama Desert was exciting news for English agriculturalists and the entrepreneurs who wanted to supply them, since that salt is a key ingredient for many fertilizers. Exciting, too, were the huge quantities of bird droppings, called guano, found on islands off the South American coast where seabirds had been congregating for centuries.
The bones of slaughtered animals also yielded good fertilizer, as did coprolite, fossilized animal dung, discovered in huge deposits in Southeast England in the 1840s.
For all of these materials, steam was essential at every stage of the transformation into fertilizer.
The materials all had to be transported; over time, this was increasingly done by steamships and trains.
The large-scale chemical reactions that converted minerals into fertilizers required a great deal of energy. Coal supplied this energy, and the mines that supplied this coal were kept free of water and ventilated by steam-driven equipment. The furnaces in chemical factories benefitted from a forced stream of combustion-supporting air, and the bellows supplying this stream were powered by steam.
Steam trains then carried fertilizer from the factories to agricultural regions.
Via fertilizer, in short, soil and steam became inextricably linked during the nineteenth century.
L'azote (nitrogen en anglais) est un engrais très important, longtemps le facteur limitant la productivité en agriculture
Nitrogen is abundant in the atmosphere, making up almost 80% of each breath we take. However, atmospheric nitrogen isn’t much use to most life on the planet because it’s chemically inert; it doesn’t want to bond with other atoms. So it must be “fixed” to elements such as hydrogen before it can become fertilizer to help plants grow.
Eventually, a pair of German chemists allowed us to “win bread from air,” by scaling the process of fixing nitrogen from the air, called the the Haber-Bosch process
Haber won a Nobel Prize in chemistry in 1918 for synthesizing ammonia. Bosch and his colleague Friedrich Bergius won theirs in 1931 for “chemical high pressure methods.”
Vaclav Smil, a prodigious scholar of humanity’s relationship with our planet (hugely praised by Bill Gates who says “he waits for his next book as some wait for the next Harry Potter’s book”), estimates that “the prevailing diets of 45% of the world’s population” depend on the Haber-Bosch process.
“More than three billion men, women, and children—an incomprehensively vast cloud of dreams, fears, and explorations—owe their existence to two early-twentieth-century German chemists.”
Extraits tirés d'Andrew McAfee’s new book, “More from Less: The Surprising Story of How We Learned to Prosper Using Fewer Resources -- and What Happens Next.”
Neanderthal savait en fait probablement faire du feu
pour rappel, Homo neanderthalensis est notre cousin à nous Homo sapiens (et non un ancêtre), il aurait vécu de -430,000 ans à -30,000 ans
sapiens et neanderthalensis se seraient rencontrés la première fois il y a 55,000 ans, neanderthalensis a donc coexisté avec nous, et d'ailleurs tous les humains d’aujourd’hui en dehors de l'Afrique subsaharienne possèdent 1.5 à 2.1% de gènes de Neanderthal du fait de métissages
It is suggested that 20% of Neanderthal DNA survived in modern humans, notably expressed in the skin, hair and diseases of modern people.
on a longtemps pensé qu'il était beaucoup moins intelligent que nous, et qu'au mieux il ne faisait qu'entretenir du feu "récolté" après des incendies naturels, mais il semble donc qu'il pouvait bien démarrer des feux lui-même
en fait : Homo neanderthalensis demonstrated the capacity for abstract thinking, as evidenced by their cave paintings. They also forged tools and manufactured their own glue, so they were quite creative and industrious. They buried their dead with artifacts.
on ne les a pas directement exterminés jusqu'au dernier, c'est juste qu'on chassait sur les mêmes territoires, et qu'on le faisait mieux qu'eux, ils ont donc eu de moins en moins d'enfants, se sont mélangés à nous, et ont disparu en tant qu'espèce à part entière
Contre-intuitif : se référer à nous sapiens, à notre espèce en parlant du genre humain est un abus de langage. Notre genre, le genre humain, "genus", est donc Homo, certes, mais nous le partageons avec plein d'autres espèces, dont Homo neanderthalensis mais aussi nos ancêtres erectus, abilis, etc.
Alors que beaucoup se demandent ce qu'il se passerait si on mettait au point une intelligence artficielle de niveau humain, ou si l'on entrait en contact avec une intelligence extraterrestre, n'oublions pas qu'à un moment sur cette Terre, au moins 4 espèces très intelligentes ont existé en même temps, toutes du genre Homo : sapiens, neanderthalensis, denisova, floresiensis. On sait comment ça s'est terminé pour les 3 dernières…
Les 3 grands problèmes de l'Inde, bientôt le pays le plus peuplé au monde : environnement, éducation et manque de liberté des villes (The Economist)
12 of the world’s 15 most polluted cities are in India
Whereas the growth in carbon-dioxide output has slowed or fallen in much of the world, including China, in India it has doubled since 2005.
Around 70% of surface water is thought to be polluted, and pumping from 20m tube wells has dangerously lowered groundwater levels. Indian farmers use more groundwater than America and China combined. They draw as much as 6,000 litres of water to produce a kilo of rice, compared with as little as 600 in China.
Many of the impressive 100m toilets built in Mr Modi’s first term stand idle for lack of water
The bad air engulfing the whole north Indian plain may cause as many as 1.2m premature deaths a year, and shave 4 years off the average lifespan.
Lack of access to clean water kills an estimated 200,000 Indians a year, and sickens millions more.
66% of Indians still live in rural areas, compared with 41% of Chinese.
barely half of fifth-grade students nationwide had reached second-grade reading level, and less than a third were able to do basic maths. Among students completing eighth grade, some 27% could still not read at second-grade level, up from 15% ten years ago.
1.5% of India’s engineering graduates possess adequate skills to work in data-driven fields.
A disproportionate share of the education budget has gone to higher education, to ensure that India has a trained elite to run the country.
18% rate of absenteeism among teachers
gouvernance : contre-intuitif : Almost uniquely among large developing countries, India does not have a bloated administration. Its bureaucracy is underweight and overstretched.
Indian justice carries a backlog of more than 30m cases.
If government is too flimsy (frêle), it is also the wrong shape, thin at the central and local levels but fat at the state level. Big cities, in particular, have neither the independence nor the political clout to cope with rapid urbanisation, let alone to plan for the future.
Freeing Indian cities to run their own affairs would cost very little but substantially boost the quality of life for millions of people. The reason it does not happen is political. In states like Maharashtra (state where Mumbai is located), party bosses like to milk urban areas to pay for vote-buying rural schemes.
Les plans de Uber pour conquérir le ciel avec des taxis volants autonomes électriques (Peter Diamandis)
familiarisez-vous avec ce terme : " eVTOL", for electric Vertical Take Off and Landing"
“The U.S. is home to 10 of the world’s 25 most congested cities, costing approximately $300 billion in lost income and productivity.”
“Uber’s goal is to demonstrate flying car capability in 2020 and have aerial ridesharing fully operational in Dallas and LA by 2023.” He goes even further: “Ultimately, we want to make it economically irrational to own and use a car.”
Today, the marginal cost of car ownership—that is, not the purchase price, but everything else that goes with a car: gas, repairs, insurance, parking, etc.—is 49 cents per passenger mile. For comparison, a helicopter, which has many more problems than just cost, covers a mile for about $8.93
For their 2020 launch, UberAir wants to reduce that per mile price to $5.73, then rapidly drive it down to $1.84. But it’s Uber’s long-term target that’s the game-changer—44 cents per mile—or cheaper than the cost of driving
For an eVTOL to qualify for Uber’s aerial ridesharing program, it must be able to carry 1 pilot and 4 passengers at a speed of over 240km/h for 3 continuous hours of operation
While they envision 40km as their shortest flight (like Malibu to downtown Los Angeles), these requirements allow you to leap from northern San Diego to southern San Francisco in a single bound
And Uber now boasts 5 partners who have committed to delivering eVTOLs that meet these specs, with another 5 or 10 still to come.
Beyond government players, Uber has additionally teamed up with architects, designers and real estate developers to create a string of “mega-skyports” needed for passengers to load and unload and for vehicles to take off and land.
To qualify as Uber-ready, a “mega-skyport” must be able to recharge vehicles, handle 1,000 take-offs and landings per hour (4,000 passengers) and occupy no more than 12,000m2 of land—which is small enough to sit atop old parking garages or the roofs of skyscrapers
And according to Uber’s calculations, a network 40 skyports strong, positioned strategically around a city, should be able to clear 1 million passengers an hour.
Put all this together and by 2030, you’ll be able to order an on-demand aerial rideshare as easily as you do UberPool or UberEats. And if a century’s worth of transportation adoption rates are to be trusted, urban aviation could be a central mode of getting from A to B in the course of a mere decade.
Pour les 3 autres news ci-dessous, retrouvez les résumés au format bullet point sur ParlonsFutur.com en cliquant ici
Voyez pourquoi la Chine va bien plus mal que ce quon pense
Résumé du programme éco d'Elizabeth Warren : celle que les sondages disent gagnante aux primaires démocrates puis face à Trump (The Economist)
Une expérience inédite en neuroscience mobilisant 6 labos et 500 patients pour détecter l'endroit du cerveau où naît la conscience : résumé des 2 grandes théories en lice (dont une défendue par le Français Stanislas Dehaene)
Dessert : voici quelques-uns de mes derniers tweets (retrouvez-moi sur Twitter ici) :
The abolitionist movement in England began in 1787 with a meeting of twelve people in a London bookstore and printing shop.
Ask someone selling coal-fired electricity what they want for Christmas and an end to nuclear power and cheap gas will come high on the list, says TheEconomist
The narrative most of us have heard is that industrialization turned England's towns and cities into densely populated cesspools of disease and misery. Urban environments were actually much less healthy than rural ones well before the Industrial Revolution started, says Andrew Mcafee
England’s cities and towns had dense populations, poor sanitation, and many unhealthy practices long before they were dotted with steam-powered factories. Available evidence suggests that cities in many ways became more healthy, not less, as the Industrial Era advanced.
The average Briton was worse off throughout the 1700s than in 1200. There are as many people in Singapore today as in England in 1700 and in the world at large 10,000 yrs ago (between 5-6M).
By 1750 England was producing 8% of Europe’s iron; by 1860 it was 60%. In 1850,Britain, with less than 2% of world’s population, accounted for 50% of all global cotton textile production
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Quelques mots sur le cuisto
J'ai écrit plus de 50 articles ces dernières années, à retrouver ici, dont une bonne partie publiés dans des médias comme le Journal du Net (mes chroniques ici), le Huffington Post, L'Express, Les Échos.
Je suis un entrepreneur basé à Singapour (mon Linkedin), également membre du conseil d'administration du think tank Live with AI qui entend chercher à comprendre comment nous pourrons apprendre à vivre avec l'intelligence artificielle et mieux anticiper les changements qu'elle va apporter.
C'est tout pour cette semaine !
Merci et bonne semaine,